Introduction to Karin’s Mound

About Karin’s Mound

The number of girls who play baseball are increasing year after year, however, they cannot pursue their dream to play at the Koshien Stadium, a place where the national high school baseball championship is held. This is because the regulations specify that only males are allowed to play on the field.

We want people to know that even though girls are not given the chance to play at the Koshien Stadium nor allowed to even step on the ground, there are many girls who love baseball with all their heart and practice hard.
This story was born with the passion to support these girls’ dreams of playing baseball.

Author : Kenichi Kakutani

甲子園を目指すことも、その土を踏むことさえ許されない女子硬式野球部員たち。 しかし一生懸命に好きな野球に取り組む女子高生たちがいることを知ってほしい。


The Characters

Karin Kiritani  
Seio High school 3rd grade, pitcher.
She fell in love with baseball after going to see the national high school baseball championship at Koshien Stadium with her childhood friend, Rai.
She is an innocent, emotional and sweet girl, but is also competitive and strong-minded when it comes to baseball.


Mirei Hiiragi
Kyoto Miyabi High school 3rd grade, captain.
A supergirl who is cool, beautiful, and extraordinary in both studies and sports.
Although it is hard to tell, she has great passion for baseball and keeps her fighting spirit hidden.


Rai Daimon
Seio high school 3rd grade, captain and catcher.
Karin’s childhood friend and neighbor.
He is kind and caring, and is trusted by his teammates. He often helps Karin’s practice.


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